2024-11-29 <相片集> 024 TINVA 會員大會年會暨年終感恩晚宴暨第三屆第八次理監事會議


感謝大家在繁忙的時光中,蒞臨與會「2024 TINVA 會員大會年會暨年終感恩晚宴」,與我們共同度過了這個充滿創新與活力的夜晚。在此,我們要特別感謝每一位支持與參與的夥伴,正是有了大家的支持與參與,才能讓這場盛會圓滿成功。

TINVA 官網相簿 https://tinva.org/album/detail/7005

TINVA 2024 會員大會 Photo Google Drive (兩天後將刪除)



今年年會中,大家記得開場的加油吶喊嗎?我們回顧了台灣隊的精彩世界棒球12強奪冠剎那,見證了台灣隊冠軍榮耀,並一起加油與應援;我們也聆聽了來自工研院胡副院長精彩的Keynote Speech,獲得了寶貴的洞見;在「永久會員感謝盃致贈」中,我們感謝那些一路支持台灣新創生態系創新發展與協會前進的前輩與長期合作夥伴;同時,我們也見證了「The Year of TINVA Best 10 Startup Award」的頒獎,這些不斷挑戰的新創,為我們未來增添了無限可能。

活動中,我們邀請來自Silicon Valley FP Solutions Venture 與法國合作夥伴 Alain Dubois,為我們帶來了更多國際商機與合作機會,並且感謝台灣櫃買中心Willy的對於協助台灣新創在資本市場前進的精彩分享,讓我們更加了解台灣資本市場如何協助新創的最新版本。


再次感謝大家的蒞臨,讓我們展望 2025 未來!





Dear Esteemed Members and Friends,

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend the "2024 TINVA Annual Membership Meeting and Year-End Appreciation Banquet." It was a privilege to spend an evening brimming with innovation and energy with all of you. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every supporter and participant—your presence and engagement were the key to the success of this grand event.

During this year's annual meeting, do you recall the electrifying cheers at the opening? Together, we celebrated Team Taiwan’s remarkable championship victory at the WBSC Premier12, sharing in their glory and lending our support. We also had the honor of hearing a thought-provoking keynote speech from Vice President Hu of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, which provided invaluable insights. In the "Lifetime Membership Recognition" segment, we expressed our gratitude to the pioneers and long-term partners who have steadfastly supported the growth of Taiwan’s startup ecosystem and our association's journey. Additionally, we witnessed the presentation of the "The Year of TINVA Best 10 Startup Award," celebrating trailblazing startups that promise a future of infinite possibilities.

During the event, we welcomed esteemed guests from Silicon Valley's FP Solutions Venture and our French partner, Alain Dubois, who shared opportunities for international business and collaboration. A special thanks also goes to Willy from the Taiwan OTC Exchange for his inspiring insights into advancing Taiwan startups in the capital markets. His presentation offered us a clearer understanding of the latest ways the capital market is supporting innovation.

Looking ahead, TINVA remains committed to fostering international connections and close collaborations, furthering the global growth of Taiwan’s startup ecosystem. We sincerely look forward to your continued support and participation in the coming year as we work together to create an even more thriving innovation landscape.

Thank you once again for joining us. Let us look forward to a brighter future in 2025!


