2020-11-06 2020.11.6 (meet mentor/angel) 滿拓科技 DeepMentor 交流會

(meet mentor/angel)  

滿拓科技 DeepMentor 交流會


Date: 11/6 ( Fri), 2-4 pm

Venue: 協會 

。BP presentation

。TINVA官網報名連結 : https://tinva.org/calendar/detail/245


滿拓科技 https://www.deepmentor.com.tw/


DeepMentor (滿拓科技),核心技術是AI演算的"微型化",但不是做pruning與quantization。而是做accurate low-bits computation。解決在使用4bits/8bits 運算時,AI 演算法正確性會大幅下降的問題。產品以 encrypted verilog 或 software 的方式,提供給客戶。目前產品已經過IC設計公司與系統公司驗證.

DeepMentor is a company providing miniaturized and optimized AI system design IPs and services. We have an excellent record of AI system integration and optimization with our advanced ESL (Electronic System Level) technologies. Our goal is to provide efficient and effective end-to-end edge AI systems for our customers. We have an experienced & excellect team to provide any AI models miniaturized to AI circuits for AI IC customers. This optimized circuits for AI models either work over FPGA edge devices. DeepMentor provides end-to-end edge AI deployment solutions with proprietary system automation design tools.






T: 0911-216119 (Lillian) | E: lillian@tinva.org
T: 03-5912128 (Tammy) | E: tammy@tinva.org
