TINVA 2024 Demo Day 圓滿落幕:DeepTech 新創盛會引領未來創新
2024.8.5 Lillian 報導
2024年8月2日,2024 TINVA Demo Day 於台北國泰萬怡酒店隆重舉行,現場座無虛席,超過180位賓客共襄盛舉,其中包括超過50家具有投資功能的投資機構與組織,可謂是盛況空前,相當成功。
此次活動中, 20家精選新創公司參與,涵蓋TINVA能量最豐沛、資源最多的四大領域—生物科技 (Biotech)、人工智慧 (AI)、半導體 (Semiconductor) 和環境、社會及治理 (ESG)。這些公司各有所長, 以精煉的1分鐘Demo Pitch, 精準展示創新成果與未來發展潛力。
現場票選的此次Demo Day Top 3新創公司分別是:第一名春虹光電Spring Rainbow Optical,其次為繁晶科技Ranictek及汎鍶科藝 Phansco。這些公司憑藉其卓越的創新能力和市場潛力,贏得了全場的一致肯定。
2024 TINVA Demo Day 為新創帶來無限可能,促進國際鏈結,期待未來的更多突破與創新。
TINVA 2024 Demo Day Concludes Successfully: Pioneering Innovation for the Future
August 2, 2024 - The 2024 TINVA Demo Day was held grandly at the Courtyard by Marriott Taipei Downtown. The event was a full house with over 180 guests in attendance, including more than 50 investment institutions and organizations, marking an unprecedented and highly successful gathering.
20 Selected Startups Showcase Outstanding Innovations
The event featured 20 selected startups, covering TINVA's most dynamic and resource-rich four major fields - Biotech, AI, Semiconductor, and ESG. Each company showcased its strengths through a concise and precise 1-minute demo pitch, accurately presenting their innovative achievements.
Top 3 Voted Startups Announced
The top three startups voted on-site were: first place, Spring Rainbow Optical, followed by Ranictek and Phansco. These companies were recognized for their exceptional innovation capabilities and market potential, earning unanimous acclaim from the audience.
Experts Share Investment Insights
In the face of uncertain prospects for global innovation investment, market experts shared their insights on investment strategies in international market development and economic challenges. They discussed how startups and capital should cooperate, exploring how the current startup ecosystem and alliances can leverage TINVA's resources to help startups overcome difficulties, and the resulting impacts and innovative outcomes for startups.
TINVA: The Importance of International Connections
TINVA is Taiwan's first and only professional organization organized by prominent alumni entrepreneurs from the Industrial Technology Research Institute. Its primary mission is international linkage. The importance of international development for Taiwanese startups is evident. For startups with limited resources, how to internationalize and gain international resources is crucial. Therefore, this event featured insights from senior members with resources in the U.S., Japan, and Singapore, sharing their views on the current international startup ecosystem.
The 2024 TINVA Demo Day brings infinite possibilities to startups, promoting international connections, and looking forward to more breakthroughs and innovations in the future.
A big Start, A big Welcome!
在全球創新資投資前景未明的情況下,資本市場專家對國際落地、國際市場開發及經濟挑戰中的投資策略有何見解?新創公司與資本又該如何合作?當前的新創生態系統及聯盟如何透過 台灣工研新創協會 相關資源 助力新創突破困境? 對新創公司有何影響又帶來什麼樣的創新成果?TINVA demo day 將有答案!!!
In light of the uncertain global innovation investment outlook, what insights do capital market experts have on international expansion, market development, and investment strategies amidst economic challenges? How should startups and capital collaborate? How can the current startup ecosystem and alliances leverage the resources of Taiwan Innovation Network Venture Association (TINVA) to help startups overcome difficulties? What impact does this have on startups, and what innovative outcomes does it bring? TINVA demo day will bring the insight on the event!
今年TINVA 2024 Demo Day將在8月2日盛大登場,在這場盛會中,我們邀請到TINVA在海外合作夥伴、長年獨到的日本市場合作專家與落地新加坡有成的社會新創共同深入探討這些問題,分享他們自身經驗。
同時,當天將有 20 隊 deeptech 新創團公司展示他們的成果,涵蓋AI、新能源半導體、物聯網及醫療大健康等多元主題,展現他們在挑戰中的創新能力。
✨ 1 minute rocket pitch
✨ 20 startups demo pitch
✨ over 150 participants
✨ powerful networking
✨ 重量級Panel分析新創產業最新趨勢
【活動資訊 Event Information】
▸活動時間 Time|13:30-17:00
Ethan Huang | UPG Venture
作為 UPG Venture 的合夥人,專注於協助台灣新創企業進入美國市場。Ethan 將分享台灣新創在美國市場上的獨特優勢,包括創新的技術能力和市場適應性,並深入探討成功進入美國的策略,幫助新創企業克服進入障礙,實現更大的市場潛力。
Jason Hsiao | Anjet Corporation
Jason 擁有豐富的國際商業經驗,特別是在日本市場的深度了解。他將分析日本創業生態系統的特點,並分享對日本創投環境的觀察,協助新創企業更好地理解在日本成功的關鍵因素及潛在機會。
Joe Huang | MangaX
MangaX 的創辦人,Joe 專注於社會創新的實踐與推廣。他將分享其在新加坡的成功案例,探討台灣新創如何借鑒這些經驗來適應當地市場的需求,並發揮社會創新的潛力,創造更大的社會影響力和經濟價值。
立即報名,蒞臨這場盛會 https://tinva.org/calendar/detail/533