2025-01-31 Due on 1/31【(Challenge) 【2025 IC Taiwan Grand Chal

【(Challenge) 【2025 IC Taiwan Grand Challenge 競賽試行辦法 (台北)】2025/1/31

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一、關於IC Taiwan Grand Challenge

        由台灣政府跨部會合力推動之晶創臺灣方案(Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program,簡稱Taiwan CbI),為善用台灣半導體高科技產業鏈優勢,以晶片結合生成式AI 等關鍵技術,並以「結合生成式AI+晶片帶動全產業創新」、「強化國內培育環境吸納全球研發人才」、「加速異質整合及先進技術」、「利用矽島實力吸引國際新創與投資來臺」等四大布局,帶動全產業發展。

        其中,為強化台灣全球最大IC新創聚落品牌,吸引全球尖端科技人才及創投資金來台,國家科學及技術委員會舉辦IC Taiwan Grand Challenge,提供在地誘因包括彙整關鍵資源(如晶片下線、光罩、IP服務)、攜手指標半導體企業投資媒合及成立公私合資專屬投資基金,藉此吸引全球潛力晶片應用技術方案新創、學研機構、人才參與徵選,打造台灣成為夢想現實之地。

       為即早發掘潛力團隊、建立與台灣之鏈結,IC Taiwan Grand Challenge於2024年首度舉辦,將鎖定IC設計創新(IC design innovations)與晶片創新應用(Chip-based innovative applications )的全球新創及學研團隊,透過競賽擇優篩選來台設立據點、鏈結國際與民間資金擴散晶片新創應用,以全球最完整的半導體產業生態、快速支援創意實踐。



二、 競賽領域

運用創新IC 設計發展以下各領域項目的創新應用解決方案或精進技術:
 ◼Smart Data & AI (如資安、量子計算、數位經濟 )
 ◼Smart Mobility(如電動車、自動駕駛、智慧城市 、通訊 )
 ◼Smart Manufacturing(如智慧製造、 IC製程、機器人 )
 ◼Smart Medtech(如生物辨識、智慧監測 、智慧醫療 )
 ◼Sustainability(如永續製造、節能創新 )


三、 報名資格

(一)  規劃攜手台灣半導體晶片設計、製造産業,共同合作發展創新應用之新創、法人及學研機構、自然人,並符合下列資格均可提出:

1. 以公司身分參賽者,須為以報名日起算8年內成立的新創,但非公司性質法人、學研機構 、自然人不在此限。


3. 資金來源不得有大陸地區(含港澳地區)之人民、法人、團體、其他機構或「大陸地區人民來臺投資許可辦法」第3 條第三地區公司之資金。(第三地區公司指大陸地區人民或法人或機構直接或間接持有該第三地區公司股份或出資總額逾百分之三十;或對該第三地區公司具有控制能力者)。

(二)  參賽單位須擁有該產品、技術或解決方案之智慧財產權或已取得合法授權使用。

(三)  參賽單位須於指定時間內提供構想書(初審)及進行簡報(複審),構想書內容包括技術核心、目前已解決或獲得驗證情形、欲發展之商業模式、市場拓展規劃,並提交3分鐘以內的 Pitch Video 等 。

(四) 曾於 IC Taiwan Grand Challenge競賽獲獎之參賽者,於本次競賽中將不予核發獎勵,但法人或學研 機構之計畫主持人如與先前參賽時不同,則不在此限。




(一) 共兩梯次受理報名,第一梯至2024/6/30截止、第二梯2024/9/4-2025/1/31截止,截止後兩週彈性開放團隊補齊申請資料。實際截止期間以活動網站 ictaiwanchallenge.org公告為主,主辦單位保留修改之權利。

(二) 線上報名:有意參賽者可隨時線上填寫報名表格並上傳所需提交之資料。

線上報名網址: ictaiwanchallenge.org

(三) 資格審查:由主辦單位依據辦法進行資格審查及確認競賽類別。

(四) 初審:構想書內容審查,依審查結果後另行通知是否進入複審。通過初審之參賽者需提交IC新創加速平台資源需求申請表(請參考附件一)。

(五) 複審:以線上進行報告與問題詢答,簡報者需具備流利英文聽說能力,全程以英文呈現(含簡報及答詢),時間共計20分鐘。

(六) 結果公告:主辦單位將依據需審查案件量安排審查時間,並於審查結束後兩週於競賽網站及國科會官網公布結果。




(一)  評審組成:邀請台灣產業、創投、政府部門等領域專家組成委員會,經由初審、複審階段選出獲獎團隊。

(二)  評分項目:

評選標準  說明 



1.   具有來台資源需求及具體發展規劃

2.   能為台灣產業提供更寬廣的發展空間


1.   能帶動科技創新潛力,創造社會福祉

2.   促成新產業鏈結或促進產業升級之貢獻

3.   引進衍生投資或創造高度經濟價值之成效


1.   於新興應用領域之創新性

2.   在製程、設計、新材料運用範疇具開創性

3.   能融入多元創新與整合跨域思維優勢





(一) 給予落地獎金美金3萬元隊獲獎者須於投資協議書合約簽訂前,至少1人在臺進行合計至少1個月產業媒合,將按照獲獎者需求量身客製規劃,並於獲獎者在臺報到後給予獎金 。若遇不可抗力因素致使團隊無法配合主辦單位之安排與活動,得與主辦單位協調出合適之撥款條件。

(二)  IC新創加速平台產業鏈結及在台晶片發展輔導:依獲獎者在臺發展資源需求,報經國科會審核同意後提供獲獎者在臺發展資助,將依實際需求提供計畫執行期間EDA工具使用、矽智財授權服務、IC專業設計服務、晶圓共乘Shuttle等所需的晶片開發投資,每一獲獎者總上限300萬美金,並原則以SAFE(Simple Agreement for Future Equity)模式進行股權交換,若SAFE不適用於該國法規,將另議換股辦法。

(三)  產業專家審查及業師輔導:將由台灣半導體產業資深技術專家、創投等籌組審議會,審查獲獎者所提平台資源需求,並視需求安排業師對獲獎者提供專業輔導諮詢。

(四)  其他落地資源:取得台灣科技新創基地TTA空間進駐資格 (台北小巨蛋及南部據點,https://www.taiwanarena.tech/)及相關商務開發輔導。專職輔導經理擔任獲獎者與顧問/業師間輔導橋樑,協助獲獎者串接所需資源。


七、 獲獎義務

(一)  參賽者通過初審後需提交附件一申請表單,將依提供資源據以轉換為股權,由行政院國家科學技術發展基金佔股。

(二) 參賽者須於公告後三個月內完成SAFE(Simple Agreement for Future Equity)投資協議書合約簽訂,主辦單位保有權利允以延展,或因不適用SAFE協議將另議換股辦法。合約簽約對象須為公司,若獲選對象為新創或學研團隊,須於簽約前成立公司才可獲得投資資格。

(三)  獲獎者須配合來台進行實體商務鏈結發展,包含但不限於參與指定展會進行展示、技術發表、頒獎等活動,例如 2025/5/20-23 COMPUTEX/ InnoVEX、2025/10/14-18台灣創新技術博覽會(TIE)。

(四)  獲獎者需協助廣宣活動提交相關資料或參與宣傳,並配合主辦單位安排之在台對接行程活動及管考審查等事項。



(一)  參賽標的內容嚴禁抄襲、翻譯、改寫、侵害智慧財產權等違法侵權之情形。主辦單位若發現參賽作品有違反上述事項,得撤銷其參賽資格或得獎之權利,如若造成主辦單位或其他任何第三者之權益損失,違反者應自負法律責任。

(二)  參賽團隊須保證所有填寫或提出之資料均屬事實且正確,且不可冒用任何第三人之資料,如有不實或不正確之事,主辦單位有權取消其參賽資格。

(三)  參賽團隊應尊重評審委員會決定,除能具體證明其他參賽團隊違反本辦法相關規定,對評審結果不得有其他異議。

(四)  主辦單位基於參賽者管理、報名管理、活動期間身分確認、活動聯繫、競賽活動相關訊息聯繫及相關行政作業之目的,得蒐集處理參賽者或其他成員之個人資料。不同意蒐集處理其個人資料者,主辦單位得取消該參賽者入圍或得獎資格。

(五)  根據中華民國所得稅法,本競賽之得獎人獎金須依稅法相關規定預扣繳所得稅。得獎者應提供其身分證明相關文件,供主辦單位報稅使用。

(六)  出於非營利宣傳目的,主辦方有權使用參賽者提供的產品技術訊息,進行出版、著作、公開展示、及發行各類型態媒體宣傳之權利。

(七)  凡報名參加此競賽者,即視為已充分瞭解此規則中各條款,且願意完全遵守本規則所述之各項規定。

(八)  主辦單位保留修改本試行辦法之權利,將滾動修正並即時公布,如有未盡事宜,悉依本會相關規定或解釋辦理。



競賽聯絡窗口:台北市電腦商業同業公會 Annett Wu

聯絡電話: +886 2 25774249 Ext. 312




I.  Introduction

The Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program (Taiwan CbI) is a collaborative effort by various Taiwanese government ministries. It aims to make the most of Taiwan's expertise in semiconductor technology by combining chips with important innovations like generative AI. It focuses on attracting global startups and investment, using generative AI and chips for industry-wide innovation, attracting global talent, and advancing heterogeneous integration for overall industry growth.

To boost Taiwan's position as a leading IC startup cluster, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) organizes the IC Taiwan Grand Challenge. It offers local incentives such as chip tape-out, masks, and IP services, collaborates with leading semiconductor companies for investment, and establishes public-private venture capital funds. These efforts aim to attract global talent and investment, with the goal of making Taiwan a hub for innovative chip technologies.

In 2024, the IC Taiwan Grand Challenge debuted, aiming to discover promising teams early and connect them with Taiwan. It spotlights global startups and academic groups focusing on IC design innovations and Chip-based innovative applications. Top selections will be invited to establish bases in Taiwan, linking them with funding to advance chip innovations, leveraging the world's most comprehensive semiconductor industry ecosystem to support creative endeavors.

The Taiwan government hopes to integrate local IC design, manufacturing, packaging, testing, and product processes through this award. It seeks to attract global talent to Taiwan, driving business opportunities and fostering industry development.


II.  Categories

Participating teams need to actively leverage innovative IC design to develop advanced application solutions or enhanced technologies across the following categories:

*Smart Data & AI (such as: cybersecurity, quantum computing, digital economy)

*Smart Mobility (such as: electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, comms/satellite)

*Smart Manufacturing (such as: intelligent manufacturing, IC process, robotics)

*Smart Medtech (such as: biometrics, smart monitoring, eHealth)

*Sustainability (such as: sustainable manufacturing, energy-saving innovation)


III.  Eligibility

1.  Startups, legal entities, academic research institutions and persons that plan to collaborate with Taiwan’s semiconductor chip design and manufacturing industry. Qualified proposals must meet specific criteria.

  (1) Participants entering as companies must be startups that were established within 8 years from the date of registration. However, this does not apply to non-corporate entities, academic research teams, or individual persons.

  (2) Startups/ legal entities/ academic research institutions/ individuals from China (including Hong Kong, Macau) or startups established by people, legal entities or other institutions of China (including Hong Kong, Macau) from a third place are not eligible for the IC Taiwan Grand Challenge.

  (3) The source of funding must not include funds from any individual, legal entity organization, or other institution of China or any enterprise it invests in any third area, which refers to any individual, legal entity organization, or other institution of China (including Hong Kong, Macau) that directly or indirectly holds more than 30% of the shares or total capital contribution of the third-area enterprise; or having the ability to control the third-area enterprise.

2.  The participant must own the intellectual property rights of the product, technology or solution or have obtained legal licensing access.

3.  The participant must provide concept paper (for initial review) and deliver a presentation (for secondary review) within the designated time. The content of the concept paper includes the core technology, situations that have been solved or verified so far, the business model to be developed, market expansion plans, etc. The participant must submit a pitch video of no longer than 3 minutes, along with other supporting materials.

4.  Participants who have previously won awards in the IC Taiwan Grand Challenge are not eligible for rewards in this competition. However, this restriction does not apply if the project leader is different from the one in the previous competition, especially for legal entities or academic research teams.


IV.  Competition process

The award selection process is through online competitions. Teams can participate with no entry limits.

  1. Registration will be accepted in two rounds: the first round will close on June 30, 2024, and the second round will start from September 4, 2024, close on January 31, 2025. Following these deadlines, there will be a two-week grace period for participants to complete their application materials. The official deadlines will be published on the event website: ictaiwanchallenge.org. The organizer reserves the right to modify these deadlines without prior notice.
  2. Online registration: Interested participants can fill in the registration form online at any time and upload required documents.

Please download the file through IC Taiwan Grand Challenge official website: https://ictaiwanchallenge.org

  1. Qualification review: The organizer will conduct a qualification review and confirm the competition category in accordance with the regulations.
  2. Initial review: The content of the concept paper will be reviewed. Based on the review results, candidates will be notified whether to proceed to secondary review. Candidates that pass the initial review must submit the “IC Innovation Acceleration Platform Resource Requirement Application Form” (please refer to Attachment 1).
  3. Secondary review: The presentation and Q&A will be conducted online. The entire process (including presentation and Q&A) will be conducted in English. The total time is 20 minutes.
  4. Result Announcement: The organizer will schedule the review periods according to the volume of applications to be evaluated. Results will be published on the competition website and the NSTC official website two weeks after the completion of the review process.


V.   Judging Criteria

1.  Jury composition: Experts from Taiwan’s industry, venture capital, government departments in relevant fields are invited to form a committee to select the winning team via initial review and secondary review.

2.  Scoring criteria (100%):

  (1) Local connections (40%)

    i. Specific resource requirements and development plans in Taiwan

    ii. Ability to provide broader development plans for Taiwan’s industries

  (2) Value creation (40%)

    i.  Ability to drive technological innovation potential and create social welfare

    ii. Contribution to promoting new industrial links or promoting industrial upgrading

    iii. Effectiveness of introducing derivative investments or creating high economic value

  (3) Technological innovation (20%)

    i.  Innovation in emerging application fields

    ii. Innovations and developments in the manufacturing process, design, and application of new materials

    iii. Ability to integrate the advantages of diversified innovation and integrated cross-domain thinking


VI.  Awards

  1. A landing prize of USD 30,000 will be awarded to ever winning team. Award recipients are required to have at least one team member participate in industry matchmaking events for a minimum of one month in Taiwan prior to signing the investment agreement. However, an alternative arrangement may be negotiated to allow flexibility. The matchmaking process will be tailored to the specific needs of the award recipients and the prize will be disbursed upon the completion of their obligations in Taiwan.
  2. Industry chain linkage and chip development guidance through the IC Innovation Acceleration Platform: Based on the award recipients' resource needs for development in Taiwan, funding will be provided upon approval by the NSTC. This support may include access to EDA tools, silicon intellectual property licensing services, IC design services, and wafer shuttle services, as required for chip development. Each award recipient may receive up to USD 3 million in total. Equity exchange will generally be conducted using the SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) model. If SAFE is not applicable under the relevant national regulations, alternative equity exchange methods will be negotiated.
  3. Industry Expert Review and Mentorship: A review committee composed of senior technical experts from Taiwan's semiconductor industry and venture capital professionals will evaluate the resource requirements proposed by the award recipients. Based on these needs, industry experts will be arranged to provide professional mentorship and consultation to the award recipients.
  4. Additional Landing Resources: Awardees will qualify for access to TTA facilities, including locations in Taipei and Kaohsiung (https://www.taiwanarena.tech/), as well as related business development support. A dedicated mentorship manager will serve as a liaison between the winning teams and advisors/mentors, assisting in connecting the awardees with the necessary resources.


VII.   Obligations

  1. After passing the initial review, participants must submit the Application Form for IC Innovation Acceleration Platform Resource Requirement (see Attachment 1). Upon confirmation of the award, the provided resources will be converted into equity, with shares held by the National Science and Technology Development Fund of the Executive Yuan.
  2. Award recipients must sign the SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) investment agreement within three months of the announcement. The organizer reserve the right to allow extensions for signing or to negotiate alternative equity exchange methods if SAFE is not applicable. The agreement must be signed by a company; if the award recipient is not a company, they must establish one before signing the agreement to qualify for investment.
  3. Award recipients must cooperate with on-site business development in Taiwan, which includes, but is not limited to; participating in designated exhibitions, technical presentations, and award ceremonies. Examples include COMPUTEX/ InnoVEX from May 20-23, 2025, and the Taiwan Innotech Expo (TIE) from October 14-18, 2025.
  4. Award recipients are required to assist with publicity activities by submitting relevant materials or participating in promotional efforts. They must also cooperate with the organizer's arrangements for on-site meetings, scheduling activities, and monitoring & evaluation activities.


VIII.  Do’s and Don’ts

1.  Plagiarism, translation, rewriting, infringement of intellectual property rights and other illegal infringements are strictly prohibited in the content of the competition. Violation of the above matters may revoke its qualification. If it causes loss of rights and interests of the organizer or any other third party, the violator shall bear legal responsibility.

2.  Participating teams must ensure that all information filled in or submitted is factual and correct, and cannot fraudulently use any third party’s information. If there is any false or incorrect information, the organizer has the right to disqualify the team.

3.  Participating teams shall respect the decision of the review committee and shall not have any other objections to the review results unless they can specifically prove that other participating teams have violated the relevant provisions of these regulations.

4.  The organizer may collect and process personal information of contestants or other members for the purpose of contestant management, registration management, identity confirmation during the event, event contact, competition-related information contact and related administrative operations. For those who do not agree to the collection and processing of their personal information, the organizer may disqualify the contestant from being shortlisted or winning the prize.

5.  According to the Income Tax Law of the Republic of China, the reward to the winner of this competition must withhold income tax in accordance with the relevant provisions of the tax law. Winners should provide their identity documents for tax filing purposes.

6.  For non-profit publicity purposes, the organizer has the right to use the product technical information provided by the contestants to publish, author, publicly display, and distribute various types of media for publicity.

7.  Anyone who registers to participate in this competition is deemed to have fully understood the terms of these rules and is willing to fully abide by the provisions stated in these rules.

8.  The organizer reserves the right to modify these pilot protocol, which will be revised on a rolling basis and announced immediately. If there are any outstanding matters, they will be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations or explanations of NSTC.
